Eure Lieblingsbücher von Elfenöhrchen 2024

Das Universum in Dir
(Manifestieren für Kinder)

Eine Liebeserklärung an Dein Leben!

In jedem von uns schlummert eine ganz besondere Kraft. Wenn wir uns mit dieser Kraft verbinden, dann ist nichts unmöglich. Aus der Ferne betrachtet, sind wir kleine Pünktchen, die auf einem von zahlreichen Planeten durch das Universum schweben. Wir sind also alle Teil eines großen Ganzen, indem ALLES miteinander verbunden ist. Das Schöne: In unserem Universum ist reichlich Platz für Wünsche und Träume, die Du Dir manifestieren darfst. Das bedeutet, dass Du das, was Du Dir tief im Inneren wünscht, wahrmachen kannst. Lass uns gemeinsam eintauchen – in das Universum in Dir! Dieses Buch ist so divers, wie das Universum!

Ein Einstieg in moderne Spiritualität für Kinder mit leicht verständlichen Erklärungen zu den Themen Wünschen, Visualisieren, Dankbarkeit & Manifestieren.

The Garden in You
(Discover the Power of Your Thoughts)

Have you ever really listened to yourself? Listened to the thoughts in your head? How do you talk to yourself? Are they loving and encouraging words that you think of when you don't succeed? Or do you think badly of yourself and put yourself down?

Your thoughts are incredibly powerful, because with them you shape your whole world. Every thought is valuable and has the power to decide how you feel, how you act and what you believe in. In short: your thoughts determine how beautiful your life will be. Time to listen to your thoughts more closely.

An introduction to modern spirituality for children with easy-to-understand explanations on the topics of love, self-awareness and self-love.

The Love in You

What do you use your love for? Did you know that love is the strongest force in the universe? It is love that connects us all with each other. This love also lives in you. You can imagine it like a treasure. Like a brightly shimmering pearl in your heart that never stops shining. And it is precisely this radiant glow in you that gives you that warm, tingling feeling when you do something you love from the heart.

With this superpower you can change the world - but how exactly does that work? Find out why you can always follow love, lightness and joy.

An introduction to modern spirituality for children with easy-to-understand explanations on the topics of love, self-awareness and self-love.

Der Osterdrache
(Wie Solly seine Gabe findet)

Solly Schuppelbert Qualmelot von Flämmchen schlüpft in einer milden Frühlingsnacht – so wie vier weitere Drachenkinder – aus seinem Ei. Jedes Drachenkind hat eine besondere Gabe und schnell entdecken die ersten vier ihre Besonderheiten. Nur Solly kann seine Gabe nicht finden. Welche Gabe steckt denn nur in Solly? Ist er ein „Unter-Wasser“-Drache wie Babette? Ein „Kugel“-Drache wie Willroy? Oder ist Solly ein „Spuck“-Drache wie Loui?

Doch dann kommt alles ganz anders, denn Solly ist ein Osterdrache. Der erste in der Drachenfamilie. Doch was genau treibt so ein Osterdrache überhaupt? Findet es gemeinsam heraus und entdeckt den atemberaubenden Osterzauber.

Die zauberhafte Geschichte von Solly, der seine wahre Gabe findet! Entdeckt auch ihr eure Gaben gemeinsam! – Ab 3 Jahren!

The heart of our elf ear world

Wir freuen uns so sehr, dass Du hier bist. Unsere Kinderbücher sind das Herzstück von Elfenöhrchen. Nichts lieben wir mehr, als fantastische Welten für euch zu kreieren, in denen ihr euch wohl und Zuhause fühlen dürft. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen neue Freundschaften zu schließen und Trudys und Freds (unsere Tassen) Lieblingsgeschichte zu entdecken.

How our stories are created

Just like Trudy and Fred, our stories are real handiwork and the development of each of our stories also has a lot to do with English tea. Because like Trudy, the most colourful, heart-warming and funniest stories always bubble through the head of the Elf Ear writing pen when a nice, warm Yorkshire tea is nearby. But sometimes it's the very small things in life that elicit the most enchanting characters from our quill. Because: Stories are everywhere! They are lying in the street, buzzing through everyone's head - even if completely unnoticed by many - or hanging in the clouds.

When our pen has such a moment, the paper is quickly drawn and the idea is examined for its true magic. Soon the characters emerge from between paper and ink and tell their story almost by themselves. In the end, our often tired quill beams happily and contentedly.

From the pen we move on to our true magicians: the illustrators. They bring each character to life with their own imagination and design our books with an insane amount of love. We are blown away every time a new character is born. <3

Then, when the story and illustrations come together in one document, the book you will soon or already have in your hands is created. Before our books go to print, they are reviewed by real experts like editors. They make sure that no mistakes have crept in. Once that's done, we're ready to go - our books are printed as soon as they're ordered. This way we save resources and only produce what you really want 🙂

Do you have any suggestions, questions or wishes? Then write to us at