Wildlife is a part of me

€25,95 Euro |€16,95 Euro

Wildlife is a part of me

Wie alles miteinander verbunden ist! – Ab 6 Jahren!

Did you know that some animals have been on our planet for many years longer than humans? The first animals on our planet include sponges, jellyfish, worms, snails, mussels, starfish and sea urchins. Sea turtles and bees have lived on this earth with the dinosaurs and yet today their habitats are under severe threat.

Find out what the animal world has to do with you, how you can help to protect animals and thus also us humans, and how you yourself can create a deeper connection to our earth and nature. We are all part of one big family.

Das erwartet Dich:

  • Großer Erklärteil dazu, warum die Tierwelt wichtig für uns ist
  • Meditation
  • Fantasiereise zum Harmonie-Planeten
  • Lerne, was Du tun kannst, um Tiere zu schützen.
  • Affirmationen
  • Gute-Nacht Geschichte mit dem Club der kleinen Tierschützer
  • DIY Wildblumen-Bomben und Insektenhotel
  • Inspirierende Tierschützer unserer Zeit

Für mehr Verbundenheit zu unserem Planeten, den Tieren und der Natur, von der wir alle abhängig sind.

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